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How many volts are the mobile phone charger manufacturers

2022-07-19 10:12:26

How many volts are the mobile phone charger manufacturers

The phone charger is 5v.

The domestic rated voltage for civilian use is that it cannot directly charge the mobile phone. The purpose of the mobile phone is to convert the high-voltage pulse into a 5V low-voltage pulse, and then go through a rectifier and voltage regulator circuit to become a 5V stable DC power. The charger of the mobile phone plays a role of changing from high-voltage alternating current to low-voltage direct current.

The standard discharge voltage of the mobile phone battery is 3.7V, the charging cut-off voltage is 4.2V, the charger must reach 4.2V or more to charge the mobile phone battery, and the discharge cut-off voltage is 2. . The unit of power is Wh (watt-hour), because the standard discharge voltage of mobile phone batteries is 3.7V, so it can also be replaced by mAh (milliampere-hour).

The way of charging is the most critical. The charging of lithium batteries requires a charger that supports the charging mode of lithium batteries, which is generally marked on the packaging of the charger. Many chargers are compatible with two charging modes. When purchasing, pay attention to whether it is automatically identified or manually set by the switch. If it is manually set, it must be set correctly according to the type of battery being charged.

For NiCd/NiMH batteries, excellent chargers use a charging method with a pull-down negative pulse, which can reduce the polarization effect during the charging process. Ordinary cheap chargers use constant current charging. The battery charging waveform can only be accurately observed by an oscilloscope.

What does charger mean?

A charger is a tool used to charge electronic products.

There are many chargers, such as lead-acid battery chargers, valve-regulated sealed lead-acid battery testing and monitoring, nickel-cadmium battery chargers, nickel-metal hydride battery chargers, lithium-ion battery chargers, lithium-ion battery chargers for portable electronic devices, Lithium-ion battery protection circuit charger, electric vehicle battery charger, car charger, etc.

Proper and reasonable charging is good for extending battery life, while improper charging will have a great impact on battery life. Lithium batteries are basically packaged separately according to each product and are not compatible with each other. Therefore, each product also provides its own charging equipment, which is not compatible with each other. Just follow the respective instructions when using it.

How the charger works

All mobile phone chargers are actually composed of a stable power supply (mainly regulated power supply, providing stable working voltage and sufficient current) plus necessary control circuits such as constant current, voltage limiting, time limiting, and overshoot.

The output parameters marked on the original charger (referring to the line charger): such as output and output 5.9V/, refer to the relevant parameters of the internal regulated power supply. For example, the output 4.4V can be used for 4.5V devices, and the 5.9V can be used for 6V devices.

Charger manufacturers

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