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PRODUCTION OF ELECTRIC CHARGERS: how to produce electric car chargers

2022-05-24 17:04:26

PRODUCTION OF ELECTRIC CHARGERS: how to produce electric car chargers, to ensure that it is beneficial to the battery life, to ensure transmission safety, to use ultra-low voltage drop chargers, I use both fully separated components of the ultra-low voltage drop linear stability protection line assembly, also use imported ultra-low voltage drop linear integrated circuit, also use switch modulation integrated circuit. The problem you are describing is caused by the low level of design and the high pressure of cost limitation of the electric bicycle charger. For high-energy batteries, it is important to continuously monitor the temperature rise of the battery. For lead-acid batteries, it is much more tolerant. If the temperature rise of the lead-acid battery is too high, the battery has already been overcharged. The reflection that the charger can not jump automatically is very common, the simplest way is the series ammeter, manual monitoring, according to the actual situation, timely manual forced conversion to low floating charging voltage; The obstacle is that now the charger manufacturers are keeping the circuit secret. It takes several days to read the assembly distribution of the circuit in detail and redraw the circuit diagram by reverse engineering before the modification measures can be made.Even more difficult is the fact that the current method of charging several batteries with a rated voltage of 12 volts in series is seriously flawed. After dozens of charging and discharging cycles, the capacity of each battery and the voltage difference between each battery are increasing, even if the manual intervention charging, but also a drop in the bucket, unhelpful, anxious, unable to help. The complete solution is to each battery a charger, each battery has an independent voltmeter, ammeter continuous monitoring, this charger is not the current three-stage charger or the enterprise promotion of “Computer Intelligence”charger.

Production of electric chargers


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